Guys and Dolls are everywhere

Using kids’ talents has always been a goal for CDS. From making Tallit and Challah covers to entertaining in plays and Zimriah. My sons loved the yearly concerts and plays and tried to participate at every turn.

Social Studies Trimester Projects

I remember always being so excited to work on my Social Studies trimester projects and always being even more excited about presenting them to the whole class. Mr. Steinberg is such an engaging teacher, and always makes sure we understand the content and big ideas of what we are learning. I was so sad when […]

Fountain Pens

I remember, that we would all walk Into the social studies classroom and stare at the pile of pens on Mr.Steinberg’s desk. Everyone would stare at them as if they were some type of gold prize to win. At the end of class, everybody would be holding one of the pens. That’s all it was. […]

Pirates Day at CDS

I will never forget when 5 Pittsburgh Pirates players came to CDS to serve lunch, play games with the students.